Monday, July 17, 2017

The Journey Begins

As I'm sure anyone reading this will know, the title and address of my blog refers to Deuteronomy 6:7 which says, "You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise." (ESV) This is what we strive to do every day in our home. We want everything we do to be a lesson, a chance to study, a chance to grow and become who God created them to be.

I started this blog to do several things. I want to encourage other moms who are teaching their children at home, especially those, who like me, have a special needs child. Having a child with special needs can be very isolating. You often feel disconnected and worse, you don't have the ability and time to connect with other moms. Being a homeschool mom is time consuming and even more so when you add a child who needs more of your attention. You start to feel like you are stranded on a deserted island; utterly alone and unable to reach anyone, no matter how many SOS signals you send. I hope this blog will be a place where you can connect with others who are in the trenches, just like you. Others who feels just as alone and isolated sometimes, but who keep trying anyway.

The other reason is to share what I have learned and what I am learning as I walk this road. I was homeschooled all the way myself and this year we will start our fifth year of homeschooling our own children. I know a lot about being a homeschool student but I am still relatively new to the homeschooling mom role. Along the way, I have been encouraged by other homeschooling moms and bloggers and now I hope to add my own encouragement and tips as I grow.

Won't you join me in this new adventure?

I can't wait to get started with you!


Momma H.